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Published | Parrésia - Ročenka pro východní křesťanství

Series Pro Oriente

Kratochvilná vyprávění

Author: Grígórios Abulfaradž Barhebraeus
Translated by Stanislav Segert from the Syriac source entitled “Ktává d-túnáje mgachkáné”, edited by E. A. Wallis Budge (“The Laughable stories”, London 1897).

The author, Grighor bar ʽEbraya (Gregory Abuʼl-Faraj ibn al-ʽIbri), otherwise known as Barhebraeus, was the jacobite mafrian (archbishop or metropolitan) of the East. An all-round educated person, Aristotelian philosopher, philologist and polyhistorian, he is considered to be not only the most distinguished representative of the so-called Syrian renaissance of the 12th and 13th centuies, but also the greatest Syrian scholar of all time.

The translation of the book is evidently the very first translation of any complete work from Syriac (Syrian Aramaic) to Czech.

The volume is a reprint of the 1967 publication of the same name.

Paperback245 pages

Series Pro Oriente

Just published
