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Published | Parrésia - Ročenka pro východní křesťanství

Series Pro Oriente

Hora Athos

Dějiny mnišské republiky

Author: Andreas Müller
Translated by Vlastimil Drbal from the original publication “Berg Athos: Geschichte einer Mönchsrepublik”, C. H. Beck, Munich 2005.

Andreas Müller's  volume on Mount Athos is divided into two sections. The first consists of a clear exposition of the history of this monastic republic from its inception between the ninth and tenth centuries, up to the renaissance of local monastic life of recent decades. The second covers the history and artistic monuments of particular monasteries. In contrast to religious publications, the author strictly rejects the non-historical opinions which seek to bring the origins of the oldest monastories back to the fourth century A.D. The present translation of Prof. Müller's work is the first publication in the Czech language on Mount Athos.

Hardback155 pages
Product dimensions145 x 205 mm

Andreas Müller graduated in Byzantine studies and Modern Greek from the universities of Munich and Vienna, and in the years 1995–2009 worked at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences. His most distinguished work at this time was the new edition of the main work of the celebrated Munich-based byzantologist Franz Dölger, "Regesten der Kaiserurkunden des oströmischen Reiches von 565–1453". The study of imperial documents led to his book on Athos. Since 2009 he serves as Professor of Byzantology at the University of Vienna.

Series Pro Oriente

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